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- @3 ____
- / \@1_______________@3
- __@6.-@3__/ \ @1| @2A Selection of Letters sent to
- @6 || @3 \ (_\ @1|@2 The CRYPT Editorial Team.
- @6 || @3\__/ #8 Readers @1|
- @6 || @1| | @2 Please keep them Comming!
- @1 o@6||@3____\ @1| #8Letters @1|
- @3 __@6||@3__@6|| @3\_@1| |
- @6 l____j @1l________________j
- @4
- Hello Ian
- I have spent a couple of hours on your new Mag the Crypt and I
- like it a lot. I like the lay-out and the contents of the mag
- @1 :o)@4
- The ghost stories etc... are great and the other artwork I see
- is great to. There is also a great articles on the Amiga and
- its operations etc..
- As I said in my first e-mail I look forward to seeing the next
- issue of the Crypt.
- May I thank the Crypt team for their hard work on the mag and I
- hope that the next issues to come are a great success for you
- all @1:o)
- @4
- Thank you for reading this I look forward to putting in some
- new artwork into the next issue of the Crypt.
- @3
- Ray Elf
- Planet Elf Productions
- @5
- Hi Ray.
- Thanks for Letting us know your Views on our First issue. Glad
- you liked the Ghost Stories@1 :)@5 and the various Tutorials etc.
- We all look forward to seeing some more of your Superb Art work
- in the Next issue.@3
- Ian.
- @4
- Hi Ian,
- Just been reading some of issue 14 of the Crypt. Looks good.
- And there's still plenty to get through. Nice work, well done
- to you and the other guys involved.
- I'd still like to submit that networking thing, although I have
- not had a chance to work on it since my phd has started to get
- busy and it's becoming a real PITA with things not working and
- parts of thesis to write.
- One problem I did have with the Crypt was the library
- crm.library and the loader script. I didn't have that library
- and it took me a while to find it on aminet @1(since it's in
- other archive, not it's own one)@4 and the loader didn't like
- assigning env: to ram: because I use happyenv. Someone who may
- have just been wanting a casual look may have been put off by
- the library thing. Would it be possible to have it in the
- archive and do an "assign libs: blah/ add" in the loader script?
- @3
- David McMinn
- @5
- Dear David.
- Thanks for taking the time to write to us, and glad you seemed
- to enjoy the Issue.
- We have Noted what you said regarding the CRM Lib and this is
- now available as a download from our website.
- We DID Realise that the LHA Version, would have problems with
- HappyEnv, and it was our oversight not to point this out to
- readers. However there is now a short text message on the
- Downloads page on the Site.
- Thanks again for the feed back@1 :)
- @3
- Ian
- @4
- Hello Ian
- Looking through my Web downloads drawer, I find this file
- Crypt. lha, Funny I says, funny, must be a game, I thinks.
- Unpacked to RAM: and lo and behold when I run it a magazine
- appears, AND some of the items have your name on them!
- I think some of the tips on 3.5 may be just what I wanted. A
- couple of older guys are having a little prob and I think that
- these may be the answer. Had difficulty printing the article
- out so may have to decrunch the files and run them through my
- PageStream.
- @3
- Regards
- Dennis Robb (New Zealand)
- @5
- Hi Dennis.
- Nice to see People from the otherside of the World getting the
- opportunity to read the CRYPT.
- Glad the tips on OS 3.5 were useful for you, and hope you get
- your Friends sorted out@1 :)@5
- Keep Reading the Crypt for a lot more useful tips and Tutorials
- in the Future. Hope you enjoy this issue as well.
- @3
- Ian.
- @4
- Hi Ian/Ray
- As I get more used to this internet business, I find lots of
- sayings, signs and hieroglyphics I don't understand and as a new
- member to this fascinating world of words I am still trying to
- advance my knowledge and being a bit long on the tooth as they
- say, it takes a while for all this jargon to strike the right
- note in my brainbox, I am struggling with only one IP and would
- like to add some to my list as alternatives.
- If as I hope you will include this in the Dec issue of the Crypt
- mag, I would like some practical guidance into the following.
- 1. The art of internet (finding your way)
- 2. The words and signs
- 3. How to configure various networks
- 4. Technical aspects of the Amiga computer (not too technical)
- ie: choosing baud rates,increasing memory,speeding up your
- computer etc.
- @4
- Maybe someone would like to have a weekly tutorial.
- I have received a lot of help from "The Ferret" of which I am
- truly thankful, but it would be nice if he could share the load.
- @3
- Best
- stan@sreed.abelgratis.com
- @5
- Hi Stan
- Firstly, many thanks for your letter, it was comforting to read
- that I an not the only newcommer and beginner on the internet.
- However I am beginning to slowly find my way around.
- Ian was wondering what type of tutorial to cover in the comming
- issues and I think he now knows. Yes Stan, from the next issue
- (Sorry, too late for the Christmas Issue) we will be covering
- E-mails and all the jargon, browers and surfing the net in
- general.
- As they say, watch this space.
- @3
- Ray
- @4
- Hi Ian.
- First many thanks for sending me a copy of your New Publication
- The Crypt, I enjoyed it very much. I have to admit I was rather
- sad at your announcement in Issue 12 of the Ripper that you were
- leaving the mag, But the Crypt more than made up for it.
- It was great to see some of my old favourites appearing in the
- Crypt (Like Domino and Boaby) along with a host of new Ideas.
- There is one minor point. Being a student and note having much
- spare cash, myself and lots of my friends enjoyed the old recipe
- page of the Ripper (You know what students are like, Cheap Food
- and Dear Beer) still you can't have everything.
- Please keep supporting the Amiga, and well done to all the Team.
- @3
- John.
- @5
- Hi John.
- Glad to hear that you enjoyed the CRYPT, I did mention in my
- announcement I was moving to NEW pastures, But of course could
- not publish any details.
- Regarding the recipes, Well to be honest I didn't realise that
- people actually used them. Very few people have mentioned these,
- apart from a couple of readers who said their wives liked to
- print them out.
- However just for you :) Check out the Crypts Dungeon Page.
- @3
- Ian
- @4
- Hi Ian.
- Many thanks for Lord of Alcandria 3. I have formatted 3 Disks
- for the Crypt, and 2 more for the Extra ones you included for
- Alcandria.
- I did enjoy reading The CRYPT, there's plenty in there for
- everyone's taste. I look forward to the next issue.
- @3
- Mike Gray
- @5
- Hi Mike.
- Thanks for writing and expressing your views on the Magazine.
- We at Riyan Productions do try to ensure that there is a wide
- range of subjects covered within the Crypt pages. I always
- consider the more technical type magazine as rather boring.
- Thanks also for the returned disks. Sadly few people seem to
- bother, and that can only mean one thing ...We stop producing
- the Floppy Version and just make the Internet one.
- That would be a sad loss to those not on line.
- Best
- @3 Ian
- @4
- Dear Crypt
- How do you get all that useful info crammed into The Crypt? I
- found issue 14 a great read and I've only read a third of it
- ATM. I would normally go straight for the jokes section of the
- mag. But this time I found the other articles so tempting I
- just had to read them first. Ray's article on Opus Magellan
- especially caught my eye, so did Ferret's article on beginners
- guide (I've always wondered how to make a floppy that can boot)
- Another thing that I must use shortly is the PFS3 tutorial,
- after having a big crash recently and losing 3 partitions on the
- HD, I promised myself that I must get PFS3 as soon as possible
- to save me pulling my hair out any more, and if you've seen a
- photo of me you'll see I can't afford to loose any more.
- But I thought I must put pen to paper (Or in my case an Email)
- and thank you for such a wonderful mag, and I can't wait for
- Ray's second article on Magellan. Thank you very much.
- @3
- Steve Evans
- @5
- Thanks Steve for your kind Email. We are keeping it a trade
- secret as to how we manage to cram so much information in one
- edition. I am also pleased to hear that you enjoyed my Dopus
- Magellan tutorial, because there is a second part within these
- pages. I am sure that Ferret will also be pleased to read that
- you found his article useful.
- Hope you get your hard drive kitted with PFS3 soon as we don't
- want to see you loose all your hair.
- Thanks again for the feed back.
- @3
- Ray
- @3
- /\
- / \
- ______/ #8/\ @3\______
- \ #8____/ \____ @3/
- \ #8\ / @3/
- \ #8\ / @3/
- / #8/ \ @3\
- / #8/___ ___\ @3\
- /_____#8 \ / @3_____\
- \ #8\/ @3/
- \ /
- \/
- *3@1
- ===========
- @4 Dear Ian
- Thank you for your current issue of The CRYPT. My wife and I
- found it very good and Amusing. PLEASE Continue with its
- Publication.
- One Comment, I don't mind the Flowery Language-but "Please"
- take the four letter words out. WHY! My Grandchildren like to
- read the Funny stories 10 years to 16 years.
- Anyway its a Great job you are doing.
- My Wife likes your instructions re-Heart Problems and wanted to
- know if you had me in mind (I've had 4 Heart Attacks) It was
- very instructive.@3
- H Melia.
- Scunthorpe
- @4
- PS. Have you any other subscribers in this area.
- @5
- Dear Mr Melia.
- Thanks for your response, and the points raised in your letter.
- First We are glad that both you and your good lady enjoy the
- CRYPT, Have no fears we intend to continue the Publication for
- as long as the Readers want us to.
- Regarding the "Flowery Language" We make no secret that certain
- areas of the Magazine may contain Strong Language, However we do
- feel that Nothing is included that you wouldn't see/hear in an
- average PG Film on the Television. The average Amiga user today
- is infact usually Adult, as very few Children still use the
- Platform. We do try to Censor anything that we feel is not
- relative to the articles. It is very pleasing to know that The
- Crypt is read and enjoyed by so many of your family members. We
- do try hard to ensure that there is a wide variety of articles
- and that the CRYPT has something to suit all.
- Re-Heart Problems, While we didn't have you specifically in
- mind, Some of the Articles in the CRYPT can cause massive doses
- of laughter, Therefore tell the readers how to survive a Heart
- attack seemed a good idea :)
- @5
- To be totally serious on this Matter, 90% of Heart attack
- Victims that do not survive have the attack whilst alone, This
- article provides instructions on how to keep yourself alive
- should you become a victim.
- This article, WE feel is so very important that you will find it
- often repeated in the Pages of the Magazine. In our view the
- more people that read it and remember the instructions the
- better.@3
- Ian.
- @1
- As winner of our#8 Star@1 Letter award, A small Software pack has
- been sent out to H. Melia, Hope you find it useful
- @2
- The Crypt Editors
- Ian C. Fyvie and Ray C. Hawkins